Monday, March 31, 2014

I'll Shout it From the Rooftops

I would shout the news of Sawyer's arrival from the rooftops. But, that might be tacky. Plus, I had already picked out some cute announcement cards before he was born, so that's the route I decided to take.

It was really difficult to limit myself to five pictures for this card, but I think they turned out pretty adorable. I'm only a little biased.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

I'll Eat You Up, I Love You So

I attempted to read Where the Wild Things Are with Sawyer the other night.  We only made it to the point where Max was sent to bed without dinner, but I know we'll make it to the end some day.

Until then, I'm content with staring at his sweet face and stealing all the smooches.  I tell him every day, "I'll eat you up, I love you so!"  I'm sure he thinks I'm crazy.

So, when I received our pictures from our newborn session with Maureen Atwood Photography, this was the sentence that came to mind. Seriously, I would eat him up if I could.  I just can't get enough.

Monday, March 24, 2014

My Lucky Charm

Sawyer celebrated his first St. Patrick's Day in style.  Mimi adorned him with yet another cute outfit for the occasion.  We decided to take a cue from Aunt Jackie and Cousin Leighton with a short photo sesh.  He really is my lucky charm.

Check out the new thigh rolls. I die! 

Of course, since Georgia weather is crazy, it was a bit too cold to actually stay in short sleeves, so I found another green outfit.  I call him "My St. Patrick's Day Monster!"  This monster obliged me with another photo sesh and even gave some sweet smiles.

Since we were on the floor anyway, this mean mommy insisted on some tummy time.  Big sister decided to join in on the fun and nuzzled right down next to Sawyer. 

Sawyer decided eating his hand was a good way to pass the time. Who needs strong neck muscles anyway?